Patch Eagle Rock, the community online site for news, has made me a guest blogger
Here's my first posting with the website. Ajay, the editor, has been giving me advice as to how to get the word out.
Get Ready Eagle Rock, here comes the Rock and Eagle Shop!
Posted on February 3, 2012 at 1:57 pm
Me at the Eagle Rock Farmer's market getting visual with the locals
And me with Sir Michael, one of the premier hubs of the Eagle Rock community. He's been gracious enough to help me brainstorm the location for the project.
The concept was born from a conversation between Mason Williams and Ed Ruscha in 1964. These lifelong friends who have the same appreciation for, and wit with and around words, amused themselves with this idea of having a shop in Eagle Rock that just sold Eagles and Rocks. I have, with their permission and enthusiasm, taken on the task of fully realizing this idea.
The variety of the interpretation of these two symbols will be extensive. On one side of the space will be the eagle ranging from The Eagles band records, eagle puzzles, photographs and story books on Eagle Chiefs, Eagle Snow globes, a carved eagle sling shot, etc. etc. On the other side of the shop will be rocks such as: pop rocks, hide-a-key rocks, pet rocks, macramed rocks, stars painted on rocks (rock stars), rock collections, and on and on. On the back wall, will be Eagles and rocks together, like an eagle sitting on rock, or an eagle painted on a rock, rock music about Eagles, etc.
Mixed within the presentations of these objects I've amassed via online and thrift store shopping, will be over 20 contemporary artists works relating to these two subjects: rocks and/or eagles. All works will be for sale, like a group show contained within a thrift store. I am looking for a storefront for 2 months so that this can come to life. I am calling out to the Eagle Rock community to sponsor this show/idea/project by loaning a storefront. I hope there's someone out there with an empty space that would be willing to let me and my team transform the space temporarily into this wonderland of eagles and rocks. I would make sure to leave the space in even better shape than I find it. I've been looking around the central part of the city and see so many spaces that would be perfect, that are boarded up, and ripe for this kind of thing to take place. Please get in touch with any and all ideas for free, or if free isn't possible, reduced rent, for a storefront available for mid-march for installation, to open on April 1 for a 2 month run: