Looking for an eagle trainer who has an eagle
My friend and fellow Eagle Rock, Rock and Eagle Shop associate, Joe Williams, who is helping me by designing the merchandising for the shop, posted this ad today on Craigslist after we spoke about how great it would be to have a live eagle at the event. An eagle who would be treated well, and who would enjoy the company of humans at the opening reception on the 1st of April. This may not come to pass, but the act of advertising for one is in itself a unique and fulfilling experience.
wanted: eagle trainer/eagle owner for unique community opportunity (eagle rock )
Date: 2012-02-29, 12:45PM PST Reply to: wddff-2877628047@sale.craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
looking for a person who owns an eagle or takes care of an eagle to participate in a non profit community arts event in march/april in the eagle rock neighborhood of los angeles. any kind of eagle will do!
Location: eagle rock it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 2877628047