forming-storming-norming-performing, was an exhibition Hubby curated following the CoTour project in 2008. The exhibition took place at Circus Gallery in Los Angeles and was intended to further promote the diverse group of talented people who participated in the project.
Just as CoTour was an effort to salute Hubby's personal view of Los Angeles, forming-storming-norming-performing was an effort to expand upon the notion of community, exemplified by the tour. Similar to the tour, each piece in the show varied widely. Select examples include, Karen Lofgren’s sculpture of a life sized curvy mannequin covered, but for her most private regions, with thick blonde hair (think Amazonian porn Barbie). Skip Arnold’s photographs and short film as self examination, alternately as drinker and smoker: a grave self-portrait. The film by David Jones is a poetic visual verse of the gay male gaze. Erin Trefry’s painting is aggressive in its voluptuousness, though a seemingly simple portrait of tomatoes. Evan Holloway’s symphonic composition plays purposefully backwards on headphones.