Written for Bettina requested : {1.17.12} - (Revised 1.30.12)


Back in 1964, in the days before

Either Ed or I got famous

Our plays on words, when they occurred

Served to entertain us.


For example, as a sample

the town of Eagle Rock

brought to mind, the two combined

A shop with both in stock


Pieces of eye-ther and both to-guy-ther

Whatever shrieks to you

Palindromically clever, words of a feather

Doozies of art derring do!


Thanks to Hubby, who's uber exuber

Ant artworks of collab co-op

For the eagle collector and rockhound prospector

After 48 years...there's a shop!


~ Mason Williams

3rd week of January 2012


J. Edgar Swoop

Music and Lyrics by Mason Williams

(Instrumental intro)

1) As everyone knows
The eagle's supposed
To be the symbol of freedom
They're very respected Government protected
It's against the law to eat 'em

2) On dollars and collars
‘N medals for scholars
‘N flags that wag in the wind
On American stuff
Rightly enough,
The eagle is proudly penned

3) Now, with such a position
In American tradition
Eagles are responsible birds
Moral delinquencies
And idiosyncrasies
Are seldom, if ever, incurred

4) But there once was an Eagle
Who was not very regal
By the name of J. Edgar Swoop
'Twas quite often heard
"That bird's absurd,
‘N he oughtta be kept in a coop!"

(Instrumental break)

5) An example I'd say
Would be his toupee
Which he thought made him look debonair
‘N headin’ down the pike
He'd always hitch-hike
He never did travel by air

6) ‘N he hung around
The scene down town,
He said, “Them mountains are dull.
In town, good chance
At a local dance
I’ll meet a beautiful gull.”

7) To circle and soar
‘S the right kind of chore
For an eagle, but it wudn’t for Swoop
Instead, for sport
He held court
In bars, while getting looped

8) Another curveball
Was he had the gall
To dress like a golfer’s caddy
The sight of him clad
In pink & blue plaid
Drove red, white & bluers batty

(Instrumental break)

9) At the C.I.A.
J's dossier
Made it all the way to up to the boss.
In the meeting they held
A Senator yelled
"Un-American! Albatross!"

10) "Well, there's only one choice
Said the People's Voice
America's depending on us
We've gotta find this bird
And give him the word
E Pluribus Unum or bust!"

11) So the F.B.I. Director
(The Federal Bird Inspector)
Was called in to fill the bill
“This J. bird”, he said
“S’gone out of his head,
I 'spect he's gone over the hill."

12) An F. B. I. ace
Was put on the case
To make J. claw the line
But he just wouldn’t listen
‘N they throwed him in prison
To pay for his trait-errors crime

(Instrumental break)

13) In the Government Town,
The hammer went down,
Congress commenced to scrimmage.
“The symbol of the country’s
In the penitentiary
American needs a new image."

14) The measure was born
‘N committees were formed
To find a new Yankee Doodle
‘N son-of-a-gun!
The critter that won
Was none but the miniature poodle!

15) Some argued the facts
(what a poodle lacks)
"Besides," they said, "they're French!"
“Yeah…” said the committee,
“So’s the Statue of Liberty."
‘N it went up before the bench.

16) Well, the measure was passed
And the law at last
Was entered on Government logs
J. Edgar, nonplussed,
Shook his head in disgust,
America's gone to the dogs!

18 June 2002, revised 7/15/04, and 5/11/10, and 3/1/12

© 1969 Irving Music Inc./ © Renewal 1997 Weems Music Co. (B.M.I.)