The Eagle Rock Rock and Eagle Shop
This publication documents the art space/store featured over 400 objects Hubby armchair and thrift-shopped from all over our nation. Using Ebay, Etsy and a bit of Amazon, Hubby mined the internet for reasonably-priced, rock n’ eagle-centric curiosities. The shop was filled with a melting pot of aesthetics - all representations of the eagle, and/or rock. The objects range widely and humorously covering pet rocks, pop rocks, hide-a-key rocks, fake rocks with surprises inside, an eagle painted saw blade, the film Legal Eagles, eagle dream catchers etc., etc., etc. She designed and created the packaging for the idea; the logo graphically merges together the concept and the experience, and are prevalent on merchandise such as T-shirts, temporary tattoos, badges, pencils, and tote bags.
Donahue Printing, Digital booklet, 128 pages, plus chipboard cover, 6 x 9"
Pigment foil stamp, green metallic and deboss cover, perfect bind to cover white wire coil bind, body 80# finch text
$40 each
For inquiries or to purchase contact Klowden Mann Gallery