SAMO HURT: The Legend of the Rock and Eagle Shop

I am just coming up for air after a whirlwind week of aftermath and afterglow. The opening was a smash! And here is a celebratory video and song from my now twice collaborator, David G.A. Stephenson, a.k.a. SAMO HURT, called "The Legend of the Rock and Eagle Shop." We projected the video on the side of the building the night of the opening to an enthusiastic crowd.

SAMO HURT song 'Legend of the Rock and Eagle Shop' specially written and recorded for the opening, on Sunday 1st April 2012, of Bettina Hubby's Rock and Eagle Shop, Eagle Rock, California, USA (from an idea by Mason Williams). Music & production/mixing by Clive Smart; Lyrics, Vocals & Blues Harmonica by David G.A. Stephenson. Song copyright Clive Smart/DGA Stephenson 2012. Song will be available to buy as a CD single from the Rock and Eagle Shop.

Posted by hubbyco on 4/09/12 | Permalink