Friend indeed, and a neglected beast

I've oft times asked too much of my friends with my all-encompassing projects, so this time I've purposely been working primarily on my own, but there's a time for asking here and there, and when it comes to editing, Kate Mayfield is a dream. She's helped with the press release, with ideas about how to get the website for free, and now she's even come up with a solidly clever plan for something to sell in the shop - so Rock n' Eagle Monday craft nights commence this week.

Kate surrounded by rocks and eagles and the glow of a needy press release =========================================================================

and my poor neglected dog, who has been surrounded by eagles and rocks all of a sudden. Must be confusing, but geez - he has it pretty good.

I would like to help her in return in whatever small ways I can, so, thought to give a shout out to her and her cohort, Gordon Bowen - they gave started their own business, which I'd like to rave about. Its called Metalcast Kits, a full casting studio and source for artist's projects, as well as for their already cast objects for sale, such as the kits for casting your own belt buckle, and new items in the works. My entire family has been ravenous for the buckles - such a great gift Click here for their website

February 6th

Posted by hubbyco on 2/06/12 | Permalink