Featured artwork: Nick Herman's rock fountain

I met Nick through my good friend Chris James, whose work I will feature in a couple of days. I'm going into thrill of exposure overload. a) Nick mentioned that he had made some semblance of a 'rock fountain' in amongst his pile o' art accomplishments. b) I asked if I could see it. c) It is now in the shop. The title: "M0DEL F0R A WINTER PALACE" 2012 pIexi, pump, ceramics, siIver Ieaf, aluminum, Ieaf, Iights

Bellmer and I now get to be near its aura-ific glow and gurgle every day. The light is transformative, and the gush of the spray hitting its lid is a sensation bomb!

click here for his website and discover the depth/breadth/width of his art/writing/publishing. I just devoured his publication called FATLAND printed to accompany his solo show at LAX art last year. Its the kind of read that I feel a dark shade of greedy about, wanting to hoard the words.

in situ

frothy power-lit hum and gurgle ===============================

PS - polar to gurgle and glow, but yet relevant to this theme, and notable, is an image of his piece for the Socrates Sculpture Park

On Earth, 2006 ==============

Posted by hubbyco on 5/10/12 | Permalink